January 16, 2013

iPhone addiction wrecks your sex life

If you prefer to spend your evenings on Twitter and Facebook rather than talking to your spouse, then you may well have infomania - an unhealthy addiction to your smartphone. Experts warn that it could have serious consequences for your relationship, if you are distracted at bedtime that sex is off the agenda.
Infomania - information overload, caused by the continuous interruptions from and urge to check our smartphones - has become a huge problem which, if left unchecked, can ruin relationships and cause people to become divorced from the real world, the Daily Mail reported.

Chartered psychologist Thomas Stewart said that while smartphones are brilliant for connecting us with other people, when used to excess they can cause real issues within personal relationships.

"If you're engrossed in a smart-phone, you're not paying attention to your partner," he said.
"Apart from being rude, when someone prioritises their phone in this way it can lead to their partner feeling neglected and resentful - especially if the person is glued to social media such as Twitter or Facebook and, therefore, communicating trivia to followers they barely know," he added.

This reliance on technology is
also fuelled by people's growing fear of missing out - whether that's attending a party, learning about a breaking news story as soon as it happens or keeping up with celebrity gossip.

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