Dharmshala 14 November: Spend some time in prayers and in the company of saints and ages to attain salvation in the life. This was stated by Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal, Chief Minister, while addressing the Centenary Celebration of Swami Param Gyananand Puri ji Maharaj at Bharmar Ashram, in Jwali Sub-Dn. of district Kangra, today, after he paid his obeisance to Swami jee. He greeted the devotees on the Gopashtmi celebraton.
Prof. Dhumal said that company of the teachers, saints and sages would enlighten the life of an individual by understanding the realities of life and equip oneself with the confidence and strength to face any forthcoming challenges in their lives successfully. He said that proper guidance and teaching could be instrumental in achieving greater goals. He said that Indian cultural heritage was rich in all skills which needed to be adopted in day to day activities of every individual to make their lives successfully. He said that Hinduism was not a faith or religion but a way of life which teaches one ways to be adopted in their future endeavours. He said that faith had not lost its sanctity but was ever relevant as it was centuries ago. He said that indian science practiced by saints and sages was scientifically advanced which had yet to find any match although the world had entered into 21st century. He said that sprituality was above all and people needed to respect it.
CM said that rich traditions of the cultural heritage were dominating above all other considerations. He said that secularism didn’t relate to faith but duty towards different obligations. He said that it was duty of the government to protect life and property of common man, children are duty bound to serve their parents and elders while pupil were required to respect their teachers and all such acts related to duty which in other words was secularism. He said that women constituted a rever place in indian societal system of living who had been responsible for creation of the world. He appealed to the people to respect women. He also appealed to the young generation to respect their elders, especially their parents who needed their services at he fag end of their life most. He said that although the state government had enacted legislation to protect the interest of parents by their children but no such act would achieve its objective unless it was supported by the people voluntarily. He said that respecting elders was one of the foremost teachings of the Hinduism which needed to be followed in real life by every individual. He said that it was in the best interest of the society to progress ahead by taking benefit of the modern technological advancements but at the same time they should not forget their roots into the culture they had been brought up. He said that modern tools were necessary to gain greater heights in life but it had to be based upon the rich cultural heritage of the country.
CM honoured Mata Sheela, for donating land for the construction of the Ashram. CM announced Rs five lac for the construction of community hall in ashram complex.a
Swami Turianand jee Puri, Chairman of the Trust also spoke about the activities of the Trust through various AShrams in different parts of the country.
Shri Raghvanand Puri, Chairman of the Ashram, welcomed the CM and other dignitaries and detailed various activities of the Ashram.
Shri Kishan Kapoor, Industries Minister, Dr. Rajan Sushant, MP Lok Sabha, Shri Rakesh Pathania, MLA, Shri Kripal Parmar, former MP, Dr. Harbans Rana, former Minister, Shri Rajeev Bhardwaj, Vice Chairman, HRTC, other prominent dignitaries,Shri R.S.Gupta, DC, Shri Diljeet Thakur SP, other senior officers and prominent people of the area were present on the occasion.
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